Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Surgery complete

So here I am sitting in my hospital bed after surgery. Doing great. As promised, it was a quick procedure, but the person ahead of me this morning had complications so I didn't get started till after noon even though I checked in at 9:30. I just laid in the prep bed for a couple of hours. When they finally got me in there they put the gas on me it went really quick. The next thing I knew I was waking up in the recovery room, and I thought they had not finished so I kind of freaked a little. It was weird coming out of the anesthetics. But after a couple of minutes I oriented myself and from then on it was gravy. I recovered there quickly and I was wheeled down to my room for the night just a little after 3:00. It is now 4:30 and I have had 2 cups of broth, 2 cups of red jello and a popsicle. I feel great and wish I could try talking but the doctor doesn't want me to talk for 24 hours so I have to write on a clip board to the nurses and everyone unless Julie is here and she can interpret my (really bad) sign language. I can do a lot better than writing so, I sign, Julie laughs at my signing and then tells the nurses what I want or need. It sort of works.

We accidentally ended up with one of Katie's little stuffed animals in my blanket when I got here so we decided to take pictures for her with the little dog. It will be fun for her to know that her dog went with me to the hospital and we have pictures to prove it. It will be fun for her and you all will probably get a good laugh at me as well taking pictures in the hospital and getting all the doctors to pose with me and a stuffed animal. As soon as I can get them downloaded, I will post them.

So I am supposed to be in here overnight and the way things are going, I see no reason that they won't release me first thing. So I will update as it goes along.


Anonymous said...

very glad your surgery went well. you are always in our thoughts and prayers.

have a most wonderful day! and happy talking!

LSnow said...

That is super news!!!! What a blessing to have a voice again.
Love ya and as always our prayers are with you.