Monday, December 15, 2008


I have to admit, I am still learning a little about this blog site and I noticed the followers at the bottom. I didn't understand it when I put it on originally (I thought it looked cool and I am game for anything cool). But since I read up on it finally, I wanted to just note that I moved it up where I could see it and I wanted to thank those of you who put yourself on there. I didn't realize some of you even knew about this but when I saw some of you, it made me smile and as I get feeling better, I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Thanks again to everyone for their support and prayers. (Pray for my kids too.... several are going through finals.....ahhhhhhhhhhh ..... the memories). I am glad that part of my life is over but it does remind me of a joke. You know why old people start doing their geneology and going to the temple so much......."cramming for their finals too" (ok sorry it is too early in the morning... can't sleep waiting for scan results....just groan and move on)....

(for Judy and Matthew.... Fee Fie Foe - Fee Fee Fie Fie.)

1 comment:

Judy said...

Oh yeah! Love your nod to Mike Tyson in recounting his famous "phone number". Nice one Jim. Something to smile about...thanks - needed that! Jim, you're the best!