Friday, January 9, 2009

Update on surgery

Doctor Barton seems to think that we are ok to go ahead so we after he talks with Dr. Te and Dr. Gardner we will get the surgery time locked in. Right now it will be some time on the 21st.

After the doctor I went to lunch with the guys from the City IT dept again. IT was just like old times again except Josh didn't tell any good jokes......


Anonymous said...

Hey Bro. Cook. It's Zach again. I was just reading the Jan 9th entry and I had a thought and a comment about the hospital. First of all, when you go for surgery, what does that feel like? I've never been (and hope that stays true) but I've wondered "man that must be frightening". I guess that depends on the type of surgery. In this case if it has to do with the lungs, I'd be freaking out. And that brings me to my next comment. It's actually about me. Maybe it'll make you laugh. You know the blood pressure tests, where they wrap that thing around your upper arm to get your heart rate? Every time I get that done I faint. Seriously. Weird, huh? I don't know why I just can't stand to feel or hear my heart beat, each time I do I get dizzy and pass out. I remember gym class in school all growing up, when they would have us jog in place or whatever then check our pulse. I would pretend to put my fingers at my wrists then just write down what my neighbor got (I'd adjust it a little to make it personal). I tried to go through with it once and I couldn't make it. Also, I used to sleep with earplugs in at night, but then i started recognizing my heart beat and so I would get woozy, so, I'm a little hard of hearing in my right ear, so I would take that ear plug out and I wouldn't be able to hear my heart beat anymore then I could sleep just fine. It's interesting the little things we all have.

Well, I wish you luck on your surgery, I'll keep you in my prayers.

Brooke said...

Man, and I thought you had it bad...Zach here faints when he hears his heart beat?!? That is a sad state of affairs my friend! Sad state! Just kidding! Sorry Zach I don't mean to poke fun especially when I haven't meet you! Hope all is well! :-)

Jim Cook said...

Well ok Zach..... now you did it. First let me warn you, if you have anything but good intentions in dating my daughter you better not even think about it. Cancer or no cancer, I will do whatever I have to to ensure that my daughter is well taken care of and that now includes you. When you bring her home, the man in the window is me..... be afraid...... be very

Now to answer your other questions. The surgery that I am about to have is different and it only involves my throat this time. However if you you go back to the first couple of weeks in Oct. it was a whole different story and is great reading for when you are tired of 1st Nephi again. As for it being frightening, it might have been had I not been through what I did and had the miracles and blessings that I did, but I trust in the Lord and I am really not afraid. Just trying to make sure that we do it all right and the doctors do the best they can.

But thanks for the comments and for taking a "purely platonic" interest in our daughter. We will follow up to see how it is going.....sleep well now.

StGeorgeJosh said...

Obviously my Elvis joke wasn't classified as a "good joke". I will try better next time. I am just leary of unleashing my "good jokes" at lunch time in fear of Mtn. Dew being spewed through someones Matt B.