Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Resting day

Under doctor's orders, I had to rest for my scan tomorrow. So I just watched TV and worked on the blog. Julie had a lot of work (she does Hallmark Card setups) and so Christmas time is crazy. Also one of the other ladies quit so she gets extra today. Today was the ward Christmas Party, but it was too hard for us to go (and I can't anyway) so she went to finally see a movie to take her mind off of it all. I guess it is still hard for her to have people come up all the time and say how is Jim, what is happening. We know they mean well, but sometimes it is too much. I love and support her in this so just remember us in your prayers and I will try and take some of that off her plate here in the blog.

I had a nice day though. Trying hard not to get my hopes up too much for the scan results. I know I have cancer and a rough road ahead, but it sure would be nice to have another miracle or two... ( who can blame me for wishing)......

1 comment:

jb777 said...

Jim, Hello from Greenville, NC! Just a note to let you know Kathy and I have been praying for your healing. It has been hard for me to think of something to say, but our good friends in RC have let me know how you have been doing and shared the blog site with me.
My wife and I have something we often say with endearment when the other is in pain or sick and thought you'd enjoy it a little. When her neck, back or foot surgery sites ache or I belly ache about my sinuses we say to the other, "Quit it!" I will not even attempt to compare with what you are going through but still say, "quit it" and hurry up and get better my friend! There are people that are waiting for you and need you. Of course starting with your angel and the rest of your family ...but your friends in RC too. I will try and keep up with how things go here. Take care and feel free to write me if you like, John B.