Thursday, December 11, 2008

It took 3 of them to bring me in.....

I hear a knock on the door.... it is louder than the UPS guy. I look out the window..... oh no it is the cops...... what do I do. Of course I open the door. Not only the police...... it is the 3 of St. George's finest. Deputy Chief Peck, Chief Stratton and since they don't get out much they brought the Dispatch director Jeff Dial to make sure they found me.

What a shock. It made my whole whole month in one visit. I can't say how much I appreciated it. Timing was good, we had a good visit and they made me feel like I can do it because so many people are behind me. In fact in this picture, I decided with some great people like this holding me up, i shall not fall or fail.......

1 comment:

Myrna said...

Could there be any better men to hold you up? What a awesome thing for them to're worth Jim!!