Monday, October 6, 2008

Radiation ?

Mon Oct. 6th I spent most of this day recovering from surgery. People were coming in my room all day, testing everything they could think of, but I was still coming out of the drugs and this day is a bit of a blur. I know that Julie was there whenever I needed her, and I really appreciated her for that because I was starting to really need her support, as I realized more and more how bad off I was. We kept reminding the doctors and nurses that the target date was Josh’s wedding and they had to get me better enough for that. Dr. Te decided to have a Dr. Richards come talk to me about possibly doing some radiation to help with the pain in my back. I agreed to that right away. Dr. Richards seemed like a great guy and I found out he is in the Stake Presidency in his stake. Glad to have the Lord’s hand directing this one too.

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