Thursday, January 15, 2009

My day of independance

Ok, so...... today was a test and I passed with flying colors. Julie found out that her best friend (Angel Teresa) who saved her several times through this ordeal of mine, needs a return favor in Salt Lake. Teresa's father-in-law passed away and Teresa needs some help this time in return. We tried to figure out how to send the help virtually, but we couldn't see how without driving to Salt Lake. If you read my blog all the way through, you remember the last time I told Julie I would be fine if she went to Salt Lake (she needed to get away for a few days) I didn't do very well. In fact I bawled like a baby, called her cell phone, and made her come back a day early. So I knew I couldn't do that again if I was going to let her go again.

So today was a test. Dr. Barton's office called yesterday and said he wanted to get an echo-cardiagram done and they had scheduled it for 7:00 this morning. I decided I would use this as a test to see if I could be independant enough to convince myself she could leave for a couple of days. I called the hospital registration yesterday afternoon (myself), whispered through the registration (myself), got up at 5:30 am (myself), got dressed (yes myself and my levis... not pajamas), drove Justin to school (you guessed it), got to the hospital, checked in, had the test, drove home and got back in bed (myself) after we got Katie off to school and I finished rocking and reading. (This is not a hamburger commercial I promise).

So based on that, I feel like I am ready to try it again. Also if there is any need, my good friends from Salt Lake will be here this weekend and have agreed to back me up if needed. Plus I always can have Josh and Justin. But this past week has shown me that I can do a lot more than I could have done just a few weeks ago. At this time, I feel good and Julie is going to go help her friend in return.

No results from the tests yet, but the technician thought everything was good.


Holly Peterson said...


Our sympathies to Teresa

Alma Faerber said...

wow! you did a ton yesterday. good job!

Jim Cook said...

Wait till you see today....