Saturday, February 21, 2009

Makes you wonder

You know, I just finished watching the Jazz game they dedicated to Larry Miller and have watched several of the tributes to him and they keep showing the doctor for Larry who makes the point that they could have had him around for 20 or 30 years more if he had taken care of himself before. So obviously I have decided that I am going to do everything I can (especially because I have diabetes as well), but it makes me wonder 2 things; 1) If there was anything in my life that I could have done to prevent this cancer or 2) if it is God's will could anything I do affect it before or after. It makes me wonder but I am still committed to doing everything I can to prolong my time which includes taking care of myself, eating better, and doing the insulin like I should. Just thinking...... and maybe I shouldn't think so much.

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