Monday, February 16, 2009

Ha .... fooled you all

Just when you (and I) thought I was on my way back, I fooled everyone and decided to have chest pains and shortness of breath enough that Julie listened to the spirit and ....... even though I fought it all day we finally went to the ER around 1:30 in the afternoon and after some testing and checking and cat scans and all, they decided to check me back in again. My blood thinning must be going really well cause it is back up to 6 (should be around 2 -2.3) and last time the admitted me before it was only 5 so we beat our old record. I got a little bit of a bloody nose and it wouldn't stop for over 45 minutes. So here we are again and they are checking on some other things especially for infections but I am glad I am here where they can monitor the thinness of my blood until we get it right (again). I can't believe it all goes crazy just when I think I have beat it for this time. The good news is that I have a little appetite back and I have Julie convinced that the only thing I can get to stay down right now is steak. (Good one huh). But it is true and it is also the only thing that sounds good when I think about eating.

It was pretty funny because as we checked in to the ER and then when they wheeled me back to my room (it's the 3rd time I have been on the 3rd floor, we passed about 20 people and almost half of them would get a big smile and say "Hey how are you..... back again I see" We have more friends now in the hospital than we do at our house. Even some guy came up to Julie down in the cafeteria and said, "Hey, aren't you James Cook's wife" a few weeks ago. I guess we are here more than I would suspect is typical. They say you make an impact everywhere you go, but I would think that the hospital is not one to braag about.

Nicole came down for the weekend and it was great to have her, but it was not great because I spent most of the time in bed trying to get better until today when I checked into the hospital. Not fun at all. She had some friends down with her though who stayed at one of their parents condos or something. They had a few activities and parties, so she was ok, but I missed her and hope that next time she (and I) will be able to do something together. I am trying real hard to look at a positive side of this and I guess when I consider what other reasons could have brought me here, I actually do count my blessings (huh Megan). Still praying for you and Josh.

Thanks to everyone who recently sent me an update to their families as well on my e-mail because I love to hear what is happening to all of you. If I end up not sleeping tonight (which is highly likely cause the hospital is the wrong place to try and get any rest) I may be back on the computer and putting down some more thoughts.

Love you all ...... Jim (#5097x) number on my


John said...

I spent the day in bed myself...but just with a bad cold/achy thing. I think I was just worn out with last week's crazy travel routine (SL to Tooele to Ogden to Twin Falls to Gooding to Boise and back home). Had all my kids (except James) with me this weekend, best kind of Valentines present. I agree about you in regards to our children, they are the best part of this life indeed. Hang in there, Jim.

Judy said...

Jim - I had a little fun with your id # (couldn't help myself - I love to play with know I would play the lottery if we were allowed)... anywho I took your id # and went to the Scriptures with it! Take a look at James 5: 7-9! I had to laugh at the part about being a "patient" (so apropo)!!!!! In all seriousness, it's a very good scripture to ponder (the whole chapter is packed with neat stuff). Loved it! Thanks for another great lesson, big bro.

KirbyLue said...

I am so going to have to try that steak thing on Josh. Maybe I'll say steak and pie. ;)

Nicole said...

Hey now, I thought there was some serious bonding with that ridiculous 80s movie :)

katie said...

Hey daddy, good blog, the best i ever seen i hope you write everyday so i could see more interesting things!

Jim Cook said...

Katie, I will if you write everyday on yours too.

Holly Peterson said...

Steak huh? Trying to "pump iron" even in the hospital. Sounds like it should work. :)

missing you
