Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dinner and a game.... GO UTES

Sat Nov. 22nd We had a great “pre-Thanksgiving” dinner with Mom and Dad today. They came over in the morning and Katie and I played cards with them for a few hours. Then they ran to the store and bought a bunch of stuff for a Thanksgiving dinner and we ate about 2:00 in the afternoon. Josh and Kirby were able to make it and so we missed having the girls but it was great to have everyone else there. Then Dad and Mom and I went downstairs and watched to BYU – Utah game and Utah kicked it in gear the second half and killed em. It was awesome. I really like having someone to watch the game with because no one in my family cares about it at all. Josh and Justin are Utah fans and cheer for them, but they really are not into sports at all. Nicole on the other hand has converted to a true blue BYU fan and she was fun to talk to after the game. We waited a little too long to give Katie her birthday present from Grandma and she was asleep just like a good “Cook” after 7:00. She did love it the next morning, but no way was she able to wake up enough to appreciate it that night. Mom and Dad left late and then drove home Sunday morning so we said goodbye tonight. It was sad to see them go.

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